Saturday, March 26, 2011

Think after - before

That was a Swedish saying i found online yesterday and it resonates with me. I need to listen to my body more instead of what tastes good. Sure I can eat a bag of mini cadbury eggs or a plate of cinnabons but then i feel very sick to my stomach for hours after. So my new motto is think after- before. Before I decide to eat something I know will make me not feel so good, I will tell myself if you eat this you will feel sick. Hopefully I will listen.

My current weight as of last Monday is 248, and i wear a size 26 jeans....... yup I'll finally admit it out loud....... My end goal would be to at least be a size 14 again.... yes i once was a size 14 for a brief time..... But life happened....

I'm putting myself first, I'm going to go to the gym and I'm trying to eat better, small changes work the best.

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