Sunday, March 20, 2011

Must exercise!

So I finally caved and joined a gym yet again. I had been doing really good. I had lost 65 lbs total. Met my boyfriend gained 30 back, joined a gym and lost the 30 again.... We'll a year ago now I moved in with my boyfriend and have ever so slowly gained all the weight I lost back...

For the most part I eat pretty good, lots of salads and veggies etc. But I have an addiction to carbs... mmmm bread, mac and cheese, pasta yumm! I really need to work on my portion sizes..... Also I don't exercise, which isn't helpful either. Most of the time I eat 3 meals a day with little to no snacking which is great.

I just started a new job a year ago. I work as a nanny and the baby was 3 months old when I started with her so I was just sitting around most of the time. Now shes 15 months old so I'm getting a little more exercise chasing after her. I blog about my job here if anyone is interested .

Yesterday I walked into the gym and told them I wanted to join. The lady gives me some info and then says did you just want information or did you want to join... I just said I wanted to join...
Anyway it must have been my lucky day. The usual joining fee is $199 but this week they are waiving that fee and you only pay the $39 a month.

After joining the gym I ran (well drove) to fashion bug to get some exercise clothes as I obviously didn't have any. 3 shirts and 3 pairs of shorts later I am ready to go!!

Monday morning will be my first morning. I'll get weighed and measured and will get to do my first workout! Lets see where this journey takes me.

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